"Imagine September. The forest changes its colors. Leaves fade, and the temperature drops. A quiet landscape in muted compositions. Heavy horizons, hazy fields, the constant roar of the sea, and days that fade into twilight's wind. Large clouds with foreboding weather; silence...

These scenarios reflect the landscapes of my childhood as I remember them. They become a nostalgic picture of something I miss – and a snapshot of the world I knew and was shaped by as a child. In a world where everything is ever-changing and nothing is as it was yesterday, I seek to understand where I come from and how I want to be in this new reality. My works, reflecting the weather and landscapes of Northern Jutland, have become a way to hold onto the fundamental. An opportunity to remember a world where presence, slowness, calm, and time were omnipresent, and where we had time to feel ourselves and each other."